Saturday, September 21, 2013

Talk about Desperation. . .but still thankful!

I woke up this morning, wandered out to the kitchen for my morning wake-up cup of coffee, which I take with milk only, and opened the fridge, only to realize we're out of milk?  YIKES!  Now what??  So I was desperate enough to throw on clothes, put a babushka over my hair (you all know what that is, right?), and run out the door to the nearby Sheetz gas station/convenience store to get a gallon of milk. Trust me, I was not a pretty sight (although I did brush my teeth.)

Now, I'm sitting with my cup of coffee (with cream), and all is right in my world.

You might be wondering why I'm still thankful, even though my morning started out a bit hectic?  What could possibly be good about running out of milk late Friday evening so that there was no milk left for breakfast?  Well, it means my son, my Marine, is home on leave!!  See, the whole 13 weeks he was gone, we never ran out of milk.  As a matter of fact, we had to dump out a few gallons because they went bad.  But since he has been home, we've had to buy milk every day.  He's a big milk drinker!

Who knew so much happiness could be found in an empty gallon of milk?

That brings me to this

Today is World Gratitude Day.  And when I count my blessings, I realize I have so much to be thankful for, up to an including an empty gallon of milk.

To show how thankful I am for all of you I am giving you this Thank You Freebie.

I wish I had a better picture, but it is an apple wreath with the Johnny Appleseed thankful song in the center.  I used desert-sized plates, and once they were finished, I added the cute ribbon bow and loop up top for hanging.  These are a perfect complement to any Johnny  Appleseed unit you might be doing next week.  It is a small part of my larger packet, Fall Themes:  Johnny Appleseed.

You can click the button below to get the poem and craft activity freebie from my TPT store.  

If you click on the button below, it will take you to The Fun Factory, where you can hop to other fabulous "thank you" freebies.

Happy hopping!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

So Excited! How Excited? More excited than a kid on Christmas Eve!

Hey all. I'm sorry for neglecting you, my blog, and everything else in my life. This week has been super hectic. If you remember back in late May, early June, I talked about my son graduating and leaving for Marine boot camp. 

June 15, 2013 -- Chubby cheeks and all
Well, God willing, next week he will graduate, and we are heading out Monday for Parris Island. I'm so excited I can't stand it!

Right now, for those of you who understand this, he is in the middle of the Crucible. It started at 2 AM this morning. I"m glad I'm so busy at school because it doesn't leave me much time to worry.

In order to leave next week, I had to have open house for my parents last night because I will not be there during the open house. I also had to plan for a whole week of lessons, obviously. Whew! That is a LOT of work. But it's all done now, and after tomorrow, I can look forward to finally, after 13 long weeks of no contact except letters, seeing, talking, to, and hugging my baby again.

So I promise to pay more attention to you after next week with giveaways, rafflecopters, and freebies! For now, check out the TTT blog post I did on substitute binders if you haven't seen it, and download your free binder covers and pages.

My principal came in yesterday after school while I was setting up all the binders, and she was very impressed with how organized they made everything for the sub. I'm pretty impressed, too. 
Click here to read how I used my sub binders to plan a week's worth of plans,
Until September 15, everyone, Semper Fi and Oorah! 

Around mid July, 2013.  He is the one you see in profile by the open door.  Can you believe the change in him in just two very long months?

God bless all the recruits of Papa and Delta Companies as they go through the Crucible and come out the other side as United States Marines!