Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: A Picture Can't Say It All

This picture cannot begin to say it all, to tell all that Teresa meant to our little group of online, but very real, bloggy friends.  We love her and will miss her greatly.

Have you ever felt close to someone you've never met?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wordless Wednesday Linky Party: A Picture Can Say It All

I'm so excited to join in on Sugar and Spice's Wordless Wednesday!  And I'm on time this week!

Scraps of paper define my days at school.  Kids are always handing me scraps with snippets on them.  This is a "recipe" one of my firsties gave me last week.   Whoever is first to guess it gets the pick of my store.  What do you think it's a recipe for?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wordless Thurdnesday Linky Party

Now why in the world would I take a picture of this?

Well, it appears if you go Wordless on Thurdnesday for the Linky party, you stand alone.  But if you want to see the other wordless posts, click the box below!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wordless Wednesday Linky Party: A Picture Can Say It All!

How do you let the kids unwind after the day's standardized testing ends? 

Click the linky party button above to see more Wordless Wednesday links!