Saturday, December 29, 2018

Welcome the New Year with Dollar Deals!

This Christmas break needs to s---l---o---w  d---o---w---n!  I can't believe how fast a week has passed.  I've had such a nice break, though, visiting family, having at least one pajama day, doing a little shopping, and catching up on shows on Netflix.  I've also managed to clean the house up, catch up on laundry, and do some experimental cooking with my new pressure cooker.

But, soon enough, it will be time to head back to school.  To help you plan for your back to school, some blogger friends and I throwing two days worth of dollar deal sales.  Two days, two products per day, and over 30 bloggers participating!  You will be able to plan out all of January with these resources!!

For December 30th, I will have these two resources on sale:

How to Writing is prefect for starting to get your firsties writing in an organized way.  The January edition starts with writing an introduction, two supporting details, and conclusion.  Subsequent editions, February through May, build on those four sentences by introducing transitional phrases and adding a 3rd detail sentence.  By the end of the series, your firsties will be able to write a 5-sentence paragraph using transitional phrases. 
click the above picture to see this resource up close

Celebrate the New Year 2019 is a complete resource for that first day back after Christmas break.  Although the photos might show a different year, I go in and update this resource to the upcoming year each December so it is ready to be used again and again and again! There are language arts activities to complete that include reading and writing about New Year's Resolutions, alphabetical order, and more.

It also includes a add/subtract and color by sum or difference math resource and a 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less interactive notebook page that builds off the New Year 2019.
And for social studies, there is a PowerPoint story about New Year Celebrations around the World, and a flip booklet for the children to put together based on the PowerPoint story.
Click on any of the pictures above to see this resource in my store

Happy New Year and Happy shopping, everyone!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Ease into the New Year with this Addition and Subtraction Practice Freebie!

We opened the presents. Then we drank the champagne toast to the New Year.  Now we turn our thoughts back to the classroom.  If you're like me, you will spend that first day getting back into the school groove. You need to put some F-U-N into that day, so download my tested and free New Year fun math sheet!

Math Freebie to Welcome the New Year!

This is something I use every year to get the kids back into the groove of solving addition and subtraction problems and stressing look at the sign before you solve the problem.  After solving the problems, the children use the sum or difference to color a bright, colorful New Year 2019 picture!  As an added bonus, children will practice color word sight word recognition, too!  After passing out the sheet, children take their clipboards and solve the problems with a partner.  Then we check the problems together, making sure they have focused on the sign.  After we've checked the problems, they can go ahead and color the picture by sum or difference.  

I use this as the math portion of my first day back All About the New Year theme for the day.  It is New Year fun all day.  First, we start with language arts, then focus on math and social studies.  These resources can be found in the complete "Celebrate the New Year 2019" resource.  This paid resource is updated each year, so you'll be able to use again and again! You can click on any of the pictures below to see the paid resource.

After all the work is done, we put on our New Year hats.  Then we toast the New Year with sparkling white grape juice.

Get Your Free Download Now

Click on the picture below to download your tested and free New Year fun math sheet.  

Then go ahead and celebrate the New Year in your classroom!  You'll build memories with your students, and they will be learning without even realizing it!  As an added bonus, I update the freebie each year, so you'll be able to use it year after year after year!

If you're looking for additional New Year activities, you can add in writing by clicking here.
Here's to a fantastic 2019!!
This post originally appeared in Classroom Freebies.