Sunday, January 2, 2022

Religion Resources for Primary Teachers

 Hi friends!  Happy New Year!  I hope you've had some time to rest and recharge your tired selves during this break.  I know I've spend a whole lot of time with family and friends, catching up on my reading list, and watching some shows that I enjoy on television. 

But with one more day before break is over, my thoughts are returning to the classroom.  I'm excited to get back to my students and getting started on this second half of the year.  We've got a whole lot of learning to do between now and May!

I've got a great offer for you today.  Sign up for my montly (or so) newsletter and you can get this Creation lapbook for free!  I promise not to flood your inbox with tons of emails where I talk to you like we're besties.  But I will share ideas with you to keep your teaching fresh and your students engaged, offer you freebies, and keep you updated on new resources I create.

If you're interested, you can sign up here to receive my Creation Lapbook free.

I hope your first day back to teaching in 2022 is wonderful!  Stay safe and stay healthy out there!