Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Huge Giveaway!

Just a quick post today between another busy Saturday full of activities to let you know about another giveaway I'm taking part in.

My TeachersPayTeachers colleague, Wendy, is have a 200 follower giveaway!  Congratulations to Wendy on reaching that milestone!  You can go to her blog, Teacher's Toolkit, to enter. Just click on the button below to enter the one, two, three, four, or five of five giveaways she has organized.

Election Day in USA is quickly approaching.  If you're still lookig for a way to teach your children about the process, consider my election unit at TeacherpayTeachers.   You can see the resource here.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.  We will be trick-or-Treating tonight since Sandy blew into town and postponed our Halloween.  Today I'm thankful that we are able to trick-or-treat today.  I imagine there are many children in New York and New Jersey who will not get to trick-or-treat this year.

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