Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Crashing and Burning

In my previous post, I talked about the stress that disrupted schedules can cause to a school day. Well, it is Wednesday evening, and we made it through the schedule distruptions with minimal damage! Tomorrow will be a normal schedule, normal learning day. Praise God!

The only fatality is me! I'm crashing and burning right now. It started on the way home from school with sneezes and a scratchy throat and is now progressing to headache and stuffy nose. Boo :( I see two nyquil tablets and an early night in my future!

Here's a picture I snapped of my little elves. Aren't they the cutest little bugs?

They made and wore these darling elf hats freebie by Over the First Grade Rainbow.  We made 5 different crafts in a little over two hours and ended with a cup of hot chocolate.   I could never have done it without my parent volunteers.  I'm so grateful for the willingness of our parents to help out in school.


Click on the picture to get your freebie Elf Hats for next year!

That's it for me tonight.  I'm off to take my Nyquil!

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