Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Saturday Roundup!

There are so many awesome freebies that are offered on Saturday that you may not be aware of,  so I have decided to do a Saturday roundup for you all.

Before I get to that, though, let me tell you about my new resource that I am super-excited about!  This time of the year, as you well know, the kids start getting spring fever, and frankly, so do I.  I have always found my spring centers to be, well, not as inspiring or as exciting as my fall and winter centers.  When I pulled out my old, ragged, broken-down spring box this year to clean it out, I wound up throwing 99% of it away.   It left me with one nice art center activity, making a spring tree.  Hmm, not good.   So I have finally been working on making some fresh, new centers for spring.  The first one I have completed is my Mixed Operation Addition and Subtraction:  The Gnome Knows.

front cover gnome

Perfect spring center -- gnome, toadstool, rain. Yep, it must be spring!

I found this clipart from Ninja Girl that I fell in love with, and I knew, after checking some papers the children have done, that some of my kids need to practice LOOKING AT THE SIGN FIRST BEFORE SOLVING A PROBLEM -- you know how you can tell when they didn't look at the sign first -- and the whole center came together in two days.  Love when that happens!

Here's a few photos of the finished center.  I purposely made the + or - sign in a smaller font and red so the children would have to look at the sign closely in order to solve the problem.  I also only used sums/differences from 7 to 18 because at this point, most of the children have memorized sums/differences less than 5.  I guess I could have included 6, but I don't like having an odd number of things.  It upsets the balance.  Yeah, I'm weird like that.
gnome center 3

The complete center set up on my side chalkboard. I used the front cover as a center header. Brilliant and it only took me 26 years to come up with that idea!
gnome center 2
A closer view of one of the toadstools and gnomes.
gnome center1
And another toadstool and gnomes...

Obviously, the objective is to correctly add or subtract and get the gnome out of the rain by placing him under the correct toadstool.

To kick off my Saturday roundup, I have the worksheet I included in this packet as a freebie for you.  Of course, I hope you purchase the center to go with the worksheet, but it can stand on its own as an assessment or practice sheet.  Enjoy!

gnome freebie
 Click here to download this freebie

Now,  for the rest of the Saturday roundup!  First up is Primary Paradise!  After taking Easter weekend off,  she's back with her Top Five Freebies of the week!  Visit Martha's blog to see what she has this week.


Click here to visit Primary Paradise and see her top five freebies of the week.

After that, you will want to visit An Educator's Life for Created by Mr. Hughes' Share the Wealth linky party.

Share the Wealth-April 6th- Freebie Linky
And finally, while not  technically a freebie, there is a huge blog linky party going on with The Reading Olympians.  There is also a rafflecopter giveaway with it.  You might want to check that out.

Click here to learn about the Pass the Torch linky giveaway.

And one last site I just found.  It is especially appropriate in the month of April!

Find this freebie and others at Daily Autism Freebies! Click the picture to visit and explore the blog

It's so quiet at my house right now.  My hubby is away for the weekend.  My baby girl is away at Girl Scout camp for the weekend, and my son, after running in the Race for Grace (local fundraiser for Cancer Research) has headed down to the Gathering of Catholic Men.  So it's just me and the snoring dog and the two cats at the moment.  Ahhh.  I love my family, but a day of silence is not something that I get too often.  So I'm off to take a bath and do some creating.  I still need to make a literacy spring center for my classroom!    Enjoy your day!

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