Sunday, May 5, 2013

Welcome to the Teacher Appreciation Extravaganza Blog Hop -- Stop 4!


Welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone, to the Teacher Appreciation Extravaganza Blog Hop!  What exactly is a Teacher Appreciation Extravaganza Blog Hop, you ask?  Well, it is a fantastic blog hop, which in and of itself is so much fun because each blog you visit is going to give you a FREEBIE to help ease you out of the school year or ease you into the next school year, or both!

But that's not all!  There is going to be three -- yes, three, different prize packages that you will be able to enter at one of the blogs.  Here's the first prize package, the Grand Prize, so to speak...



Pamper yourself with $230.00 worth of gift cards to various retailers.

The second fabulous prize package is called "Spend Your Summer Worry-free."  Who doesn't want to have a worry-free summer??



Get ready for back to school with a custom made room theme of your choice, as well as one donation from each blogger to make your back-to-school worry-free with resources to start the school year.[/caption]

And the last prize package is the "New Ideas for your Classroom" package.

You will get to choose one item of your choice from each participating blogger's store.[/caption]

How extravagant are those prizes??

This is stop 4 on the blog hop.

Thanks for bouncing into stop 4 on the Teacher Extravaganza blog hop!

For my freebie, I'm offering you this Summer Reading Journal.  At our school, each teacher posts links for recommended summer reading lists for their grade level.   I wanted to standardize the summer reading experience for my incoming students, so I created this log, which includes sheets for recording and rating the stories, and half-sheet book reports for the students to complete about the stories they read.  They can staple it all together and turn it in to me at the beginning of next year.

If you would like to download this freebie, you can get it from my TPT store by clicking on the picture below.

My Summer Reading Log-001
Click here to visit my TPT store and download your freebie.

While you're there, neb around in my store and see what you would like to add to your wish list for the TPT Teacher Appreciation sale.  My whole store will be on sale at 20% off.  Add the code TAD13 and you will get 28% off everything!

ta sale

Next up on the Teacher Appreciation Extravaganza Blog Hop is the fabulous Christi Fultz of Ms. Fultz's Corner.  Just click the button below to see what Christi is offering you today.
Click here to visit Ms. Fultz's Corner.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week, everyone!

P.S.-If you're a bit of an obsessive compulsive person (and what teacher isn't, just a bit?) like me and need to start with #1, you  can click on the first picture above announcing the blog hop.


  1. Can't tell you how many times I've used the word "nebby" at school and gotten blank stares. Forget that I live in Ohio now! Thanks for the freebie!

  2. Nice freebie! Thank you!!! :)

  3. That is funny. It never even occurred to me that some people are wondering what in the heck "neb" means. Hopefully, they are good clues-from-context readers.

    I guess you can take the girl out of SW PA but not the SW PA out of the girl, right Cindy?

  4. You're very welcome, Lorena. I hope you're enjoying the blog hop and gathering up everyone's freebies.

  5. A summer reading journal!!! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  6. This is such a great FREEBIE for summer!

  7. Thanks so much for this! Great idea!


  8. Thank you! I know so many teachers give summer reading lists. We always reward the kids who return them in the fall with a party at Barnes and Noble.


Let me know what you think about this post!