Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Time is Flying By!

Hello everyone!  Where has the last month gone???  We are down to our last half-day of school tomorrow and then a teacher work day on Tuesday.  Where are you in your countdown to summer?

Sean is front and center in the middle of this photo.
I've had a lot going on in my personal life lately.  I haven't had time to do much of anything as far as creating, posting, or sharing great ideas.  I've done a couple of fly-by Facebook page shares, but that is it!

It started with my son's high school graduation and hasn't stopped since!
Soon after graduation, the parties started.  In addition to attending, I am trying to get Sean's party organized.  As you might know, he's leaving on June 17 for Marine boot camp, so we're having his party as graduation/going away party.  I got the invitations printed with time and place, and just today my hubby called me and said he got a callback on the place.  Guess what?  They made a mistake and it is NOT available on June 14.  Are you kidding me?  I sent out the invites.  Argggh!  Okay, back to, make up new invites with new time and place (home), and guess what I'll be doing today?  If you guessed writing out addresses again, you guessed right.  On the plus side, we don't have to worry about the Penguins possibly playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs that night.  We'll just pop the TV on at home for the rabid hockey fans.

My Summer Retreat 
This season's pool opening was the. worst.  ever.  I had algae and who knows what else in the bottom of the pool.  (I didn't know because I couldn't see it!)  I've been spending every spare moment at home working on adding chemicals and cleaning the filter out repeatedly.  It has taken 3 weeks, but finally, the pool is crystal clear.  Finally, our backyard is summer (and now party) ready!

In addition to all the above, the typical end-of-the-year bustle at school has been in full swing. Between grades due, field day, room cleaning, eighth grade graduation mass, and very hot days with no air, I've been coming home and collapsing at the end of the day -- for five minutes until I go to mess with the pool or run my daughter to whatever it is that she's doing that evening.

It hasn't all been stressful.  We did manage to squeeze in a day of fun at the Kennywood Park with my daughter's girl scout troop.  Sean even came with us!   Here's Sean making a beeline for Colleen on the bumper cars.  He got her good, and she loved every minute of it!

Summer is right around the corner, and I will be able to focus on the fine details of getting this party finalized. There is light at the end of this tunnel!

I leave you with this little freebie that you might be able to use in your planning for next year -- whenever you're ready to start thinking about next year.  I found it at  Click the picture above to download.

So enjoy the end of your school year if you are a teacher whose year is ending, or if you're still teaching, I hope your class is wonderful and you're having a great year! 

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