Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Prizes galore -- and a Sean Sighting!

Oh, boy, the first prize has been given away, and it was the laminator, and the winner is -- drum roll -- Lisa Daniel!  Hope it was one of you.  But if it wasn't, don't despair!  Remember, we still have 9 more prizes to give away.  And one of the days,  these lovely gift baskets will be given away!
They have books and all kinds of other teacher goodies in them!  And heck, I'd be happy with just the buckets they are in because who doesn't need extra buckets and baskets for "stuff" in the classroom?  Be sure to head over to The Teaching Tribune to meet today's teachers, Diane from Fifth in the Middle (we love having upper el grades represented!) and Samantha, from Ms. Smarty Pants, who both have excellent organization tips for you.  While you're there, don't forget to enter the new rafflecopter.  Remember, from now on, you have to enter each day for a chance to win.  You will use the same amount each time.

I just love this button!  Aren't we so cute.  And we're just as cute in real life with our heart mouths and rosy cheeks!

Can I just say I'm a bit sort of majorly stressed about my upcoming organizational tip for you.  I am the most unorganized person I know.  My idea of organization is everything in a nice neat pile, and when the pile gets too big, move it to a storage container.  I'm pretty sure that's not a tip anyone needs, but I'll come up with something, I'm sure.

Speaking of stuff, if you are looking for stuff for back to school, there is a linky party going on with paid and free back to school resources.  Check it out by clicking on the picture below.

And finally, as many of you know from back in May when I was a weepy mess -- freaaking out -- er, calmly planning for my son's graduation and going away party, my son left on June 13 for Marine boot camp on Parris Island.

I'm sure you will understand when I say this is the first summer I have ever wished would go faster.  But in 7 Sundays, we will be leaving for Parris Island and see our son graduate as a MARINE!  I can't believe it.  It has not been easy, and I miss him like crazy, but yesterday I found this picture of him on a Facebook group I belong to.  Can you guess which one is my baby?

Enjoy your day!


  1. Congrats to your son!! I bet you're one proud mama. Btw, I've nominated you for an award! Check out my blog for more information.

    1. Thank you. I am one proud mama, and I will be even prouder in 7 Sundays! Hmm, an award? Now I'm curious.


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