Saturday, August 10, 2013

Early Saturday Morning

Well, it's early Saturday, and I am up.  I'm down to one week before I go back to school.  Mixed feelings about it this year.  I'm always sad to see summer go by so quickly, but this summer has been a weird one with my son at boot camp.  We're down to five weeks until he comes home for 10 days, so I'm anxious to get back to school.  It will help those last few weeks fly by to be so busy every day that I don't have time to think about him until -- who am I kidding?  I will still think about him constantly throughout the day, but at least I won't be stalking the mailman, waiting for a letter.

I'm also up early because those pesky fall activities are starting again.  My daughter has cheer practice at 9:00 AM.  What?  9:00 AM on a Saturday morning until 12:00? I usually get out of taking her to this practice because my husband takes her, but he went and started a flag football league through church, and they meet at 8:00 on Saturday morning, so I'm up early to do my cheer mom duties.

And now it's 10:55 and I feel horrible bad-mom-of-the-year horrible for complaining, because my daughter woke up sick this morning.  Sigh. Do we ever get this mom thing figured out?

With my unexpected free time this morning, I'm looking around Pinterest for a cute, simple, and cheap back-to-school gift to give my kiddos this year.  Since we're taking a second vacation to see Sean graduate in September, all our extra money this summer has gone into our Parris Island fund, and I don't have a whole lot of extra cash to play with like I usually do for back to school gifts.  Thank goodness for Pintrest.

I think I have found my gift idea.  I'm sure you've seen the "You're o'fish'ally a _____________grader" idea on Pintrest.  If not, you can see it by clicking the picture below.

Since our school has a healthy snack rule, I will switch out the Swedish fish for Goldfish snack crackers.  I'm going to add a pencil to it as well and include a welcome back to school card.  It will be cute and not too expensive or hard to make.  So that is my goal for this last week before school starts.

If you'd like to do something similar, you can grab my freebie of TPT by clicking the picture below.

What do you do to welcome your kids back to school?

You can find more freebies at An Educator's Life.  Click the picture below to visit the blog.


Let me know what you think about this post!