Sunday, December 8, 2013

Counting Blessings -- Celebrating with a Flash Freebie Tonight

(This started as a FB post, but I realized it was probably going to be too long.)

Just sitting at my computer watching the snow come down again, and thinking about  how blessed I am.  My son, my Marine, just received his promotion.  Yes,  you can now call him PFC Boatright.  And in exactly one week, he will be coming home for a 30-day recruiters assistant job while he waits for his schooling to start.  Very proud of him.

And yesterday, my daughter, who marches in a local marching group called Marvellete Stars, received the honor of becoming the "Up and Coming Sophomore Princess," complete with roses, a sash, and a real diamond tiara!   Okay, maybe not real, but still, it sparkles and shines.  Now, what 9.5-year-old girl wouldn't be thrilled with that?

I feel like celebrating!  I am currently working on a geography resource that I think is dynamite.  I am thisclose to being done with it, and I should finish it shortly.  

When it is finished, I will put it on flash freebie, so watch my FB page  (Hint - if I run a flash freebie, it is usually around 8-ish on Sunday evenings) tonight, December 8, for a flash freebie, followed by (in case you miss the freebie) the product being 50% off until tomorrow evening.

Have a fabulous Sunday, everyone!


  1. Congrats on your son's promotion! I always was so proud when my husband received his promotions!

  2. Thank you! It is absolutely something to be proud of!


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