Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Write Stuff

Hello Friends!  It's been awhile since I last blogged. I just don't know where the time goes!  But I'm here to talk to you about writing today.  Do you have trouble knowing how to teach your kiddos to write?  Is writing something you struggle with?  I know I'm always looking for the best way to take my children from scribbling a word or two to describe a picture to writing a complete paragraph with an introduction, supporting details, and a conclusion in first grade, plus emphasize that the sentence should have a capital at the beginning and an end mark at the end.  

If you really want good resources than you are going to love this amazing deal over at Educents!  I have teamed up with 17 other amazing sellers to load your classrooms with 27 outstanding resources for writing!  

My product included will surely be loved by your students!  

When you are immersed in the day-to-day instruction, it can really be hard to see the tree for the forest, so to speak.  Sometimes, you need to step back and take a look at the whole picture to actually see the progress each individual child has made.  That's why I created the monthly writing journal.  Once a month, my kiddos write on a topic I give them.  I collect and save the writing in a journal.  By the end of the year, I have 10 samples of their writing, and it is easy to see the progress they made throughout the year. 

You can see how the drawing space gets smaller and the writing space gets larger on each themed page,  putting less emphasis on drawing and more on writing as the year progresses.

I also use the writing samples for assessment.  In my packet, I have included the following assessments:

As an added bonus, I've also included my popular progressive writing rubrics in this packet.  It clearly states the growing expectations in writing for each quarter, and it is a great aide in communicating those expectations to parents.

For a limited time it is $29.99 from Educents which is over 71% off!  It also includes these other great products so there is sure to be things you love!  (They even have $10 off for first time customers… so it can be even cheaper if you have never bought anything from Educents!)

And did I mention about the 10% off deal this weekend?

 How do you set up the writing program in your classroom, especially if you have limited time and space?

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