Friday, March 7, 2014

Squeezing in Some Arts and Crafts

Hi everyone!  If your schedule is like mine, there is not much time in the day to squeeze in extra art and craft projects, but the kids really like doing them.  I hit upon the idea of including them at a center called "The Pocket Chart Art Center."
Pocket Chart Art Center is great for classrooms with limited space because if you can put a pocket chart in that space, you can make it a center!
I print the directions out like sentence strips, or write the directions on sentence strips.  I always include a finished sample for the children to refer to, even though the question I get most often is "Does ours have to look like yours?"  I put the necessary supplies, like templates or papers run off, scissors, and glue in a bin on the floor next to the pocket chart.  The kids take the bin to an open space and follow the directions to make the craft.

My directions evolve as the year progresses.  I start with simple pictograph directions with a few high frequency words and progress to the complex directions shown here.

Incorporating pocket chart art is great because it encourages the kids to read and follow directions, which of course practices their reading and comprehension skills.  It's a fun way to sneak in art and reading in a way meaningful way for the kids. 

Here's the craft for the next few weeks.  You've probably seen this craft floating around Pinterest.  I simply made it so the kids can color, cut, and make the project themselves.  We will use them to decorate the room by hanging them from the ceiling.  
Teaching in a Catholic School, colored paper usually runs short before the year ends, so by spring, I have to have the kids color the copied pieces.

Making the loops for the chains and connecting them, surprisingly, turned out to be a challenge for some, but anything is possible with a little help from your friends.

Look, they're almost as tall as we are!

If you have would like to grab a copy of this craft along with the sentence strip directions, you can do that by clicking on the picture below.  You will have to cut and glue the sentence strips together.  I found that 3 sheets glued together was just the right length to fit in the pocket chart.


If you're looking for more art and craft ideas, check out Frog Spot's Tuesday Art Link Up.  Click on the button below to visit.

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