Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Guest Posting on Hameray - Paired Text and the Water Cycle

Hey, everyone, exciting news!  I will be guest bloging on the Hameray Blog about using paired texts to teach various topics using their texts from their Story World, Real World series of books.  My first post can be found by clicking on the picture below!  Enjoy!

My next post will be coming out May 26 about using paired texts to teach about personal safety.

Have a great week!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day

Welcome to the Memorial Day Blog Hop!

All these military-themed holidays take on a new meaning when one of your children joins any branch of the Armed Forces.
This is a picture of a banner that will be made to hang in our downtown area to honor active duty military members.  As the president of the Rotary Club said at the banner dedication ceremony on Armed Forces Day, "No longer will these men and women be out of sight, out of mind.  Now they will be front and center every day."

This Memorial Day, take a moment from your busy day to say a prayer for the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. I, personally, live with a constant lump in my throat knowing that my son is only a deployment away from danger.  I pray for his and his comrades safety multiple times a day.

To help your children understand what Memorial Day is, please download this little reader.
click here to download reader 

I hope you find it useful to use in conjunction with whatever you normally do around Memorial Day to help your students understand the meaning of the holiday.

As a special thank you, be sure to enter my Rafflecopter for a $10.00 TpT gift certificate and a $10.00 Starbucks gift card.  Both will be sent as e-giftcard!  I can taste that chai tea latte now.  Yum.

Be sure to continue through the hop by visiting Kinder Bilingue!
click this button to continue the Memorial Day blog hop

Happy Memorial Day, all, and God bless our military members!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wordless Wednesday and the Walking Dead

Linking up with Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday linky party again!

This was my Easter present from my son this year.  He knows me well.  It was definitely better than the can of pineapple juice he gave me for Valentine's Day.  He's quirky like that.

Any other Walking Dead fans out there?

click the button to visit Sugar and Spice and see the other Wordless Wednesday posts

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: I Love Kid Spelling

Hi friends!  Joining up with Miss DeCarbo's fabulous Wordless Wednesday this week.  

I love kid spelling, especially this time of the year.  It is so fun to pull out their first writings and show them how far they've come in a year.  Do you agree with the idea of kid spelling?

Be sure to head to Sugar and Spice and check out the other fun Wordless Wednesday posts!