Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day

Welcome to the Memorial Day Blog Hop!

All these military-themed holidays take on a new meaning when one of your children joins any branch of the Armed Forces.
This is a picture of a banner that will be made to hang in our downtown area to honor active duty military members.  As the president of the Rotary Club said at the banner dedication ceremony on Armed Forces Day, "No longer will these men and women be out of sight, out of mind.  Now they will be front and center every day."

This Memorial Day, take a moment from your busy day to say a prayer for the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. I, personally, live with a constant lump in my throat knowing that my son is only a deployment away from danger.  I pray for his and his comrades safety multiple times a day.

To help your children understand what Memorial Day is, please download this little reader.
click here to download reader 

I hope you find it useful to use in conjunction with whatever you normally do around Memorial Day to help your students understand the meaning of the holiday.

As a special thank you, be sure to enter my Rafflecopter for a $10.00 TpT gift certificate and a $10.00 Starbucks gift card.  Both will be sent as e-giftcard!  I can taste that chai tea latte now.  Yum.

Be sure to continue through the hop by visiting Kinder Bilingue!
click this button to continue the Memorial Day blog hop

Happy Memorial Day, all, and God bless our military members!


  1. I LOVE the banner! As a US NAVY MOM...they may be out of sight...BUT NEVER out of mind! :)

    1. And thank you to your son for his willingness to serve and your family for your sacrifice.

  2. Lesley-I am so glad your community is honoring our service men and women in this way. Pass on a thank you to your son from one of your blogging friends. I appreciate his contribution to protect the freedoms of others, and I pray that he remains safe throughout his career of service.
    PS...I love your freebie too. :-)

    1. Thank you. Tomorrows Memorial Day parade will be awesome with all the banners hanging along the route. The first time I saw them, I just walked down Main Street in tears, reading them all.

    2. That is just so meaningful and touching. I was really moved by this post, and I'm making my way back through to add feedback, etc. Will think of you tomorrow and hope the parade is done honorably. :-)

  3. What a wonderful little reader for Memorial Day! I love the tribute you pay to our soldiers too! Thank you so much!

  4. Thank you, your son, and your family for his service! I know if isn't just him who makes sacrifices! Thanks also for this important, easy to understand reader. I think all kids should know what this day really means.


    1. Thank you, Krista. When you come into contact with Gold Star families, as we have through this banner project, it does affect countless people in a ripple effect.

  5. Thanks for the great Memorial Day booklet- just what I need for this week!

  6. What a great mini book! Thank you so much for creating this.

  7. This is a great Mini Book! It does a great job explaining what Memorial day is all about. Thanks

  8. Thank you to your son for his sacrifice to protect our freedoms! I will be thinking of all of you and prayers are sent for his safety.
    The book you created is great for sharing the importance and meaning behind this holiday.
    Burke's Special Kids

  9. Wow! What a special weekend for you! Enjoy it!

    Thanks for the great freebie! I hope to put it to good use next year.

    Reading Toward the Stars

  10. "No longer will these men and women be out of sight, out of mind. Now they will be front and center every day." I love this! Please give my heartfelt thanks to your son for all he does to keep our great country free and safe. Thank you for the great freebie and the giveaway! I really like non-fiction readers for my students. It helps them grow their vocabulary and reading skills and adds to their schema. Thanks!!
    Teacher Treasure Hunter

  11. As the wife of an Air Force veteran, I thank your son and all others who protect our freedoms, because freedom is never free. Others sacrifice for us and we need to give them all the support we can. Thank you for sharing your reader with us! God Bless.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Wow, God Bless your precious son and all those who serve so that we can be free! I love the book-thank you so very much!

  14. My nephew just came home from his final Army deployment in Afghanistan. I salute your son's service and dedication as well, and will proudly share your mini-booklet with my students this week!

  15. You must be so proud of him! A little tear came to my eyes- I have 2 boys and can't imagine the pride you must feel, yet the 'letting go' must be so hard! Please let him know that there are so many people he will never meet or know that thank him for all that he does for our country! God Bless him...and you!

  16. Thank you everyone. Your thoughtful comments have brought me to tears yet again, but that's easy to do these days. Thank you to all of you who have sons and daughters, husband or wives, or other family members who have served. Thank God, Jennifer Reynolds, for your nephew's safe return from his final Army deployment in Afghanistan. Just that name strikes fear into my heart.

    Thank you again for your support of the men and women who make up the US Armed Forces!


Let me know what you think about this post!