Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Fourth of July (blog hop)

Welcome to our Fourth of July blog hop, and Happy Birthday, USA!

How many veterans do you have in your life?  I have three in my life.  My grandpa was in the Merchant Marines during World War II.
You can click the picture above to learn more about the Merchant Marines.

My husband served in the Air Force for eight years as a flight nurse.  He was stationed in Germany and New Hampshire.  Luckily, he was serving in a time of peace, so he didn't see any action as far as having to fly in and out of active war zones.
You can click the picture above to learn more about the Air Force.

And of course, you all know my son is a Marine. 

Today, on this 238th birthday of our country, let's remember and pray for the men and women, from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror, who have bravely fought, died or come home forever changed by their experiences.  Let's pray for those currently deployed that they will remain safe.  Let's pray for those who will be brave enough to step up and answer the call in the future to protect our freedom.  We may not be a perfect country, but my heart swells with pride and I have to swallow the lump in my throat every time I see a flag waving in the breeze, or a hear the Star Spangled Banner being played.

 So be sure to thank the veterans or active duty service people in your life.  They have had a hand in making this country great!
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

 To celebrate the Fourth of July, I made this fun little resource that you can use to teach your children about some of the Heroes of the Revolutionary War.  If you click on the picture, you can download the file from my Google Docs.  Enjoy!

Check out the Inlinkz below to visit the other blogs taking part in this hop.

And as an added bonus, all of the participating bloggers have 'pooled their cash' to purchase 4 $25 TpT gift certificates and 1 $10 Target gift card!
The first four selected will receive the TpT gift certificates and the 5th winner will receive the Target gift card!
Enter here, or on any of the participating blogs:


  1. 4th of July plans - We will be having a 4th of July Baby Back Ribs cook off and dinner with all the fixings. We will be going to our neighbors house for fireworks as well as our local baseball field to celebrate our freedom with friends. Gift Cards - Since I already have over 200 worth of items in my TpT cart, I will be using the gift cards to help pay for the items. I really love TpT and all the creative resources available. Thank you for the opportunity and all the wonderful freebies.

  2. I just pinned your fabulous product. Many thanks for sharing. And, you have many heroes in your family, too.

    1. Thank you! We're blessed to have our Marine home with us this year. Beats last year when he was at bout camp!

  3. This is excellent, Leslie. It accompanies the freebie I made for a nice Revolutionary War unit. :-) We worked like a team!

    1. Thank you Carla. I think it will work very well with your product!

  4. What a wonderful hop and giveaway! Enjoy your 4th of July!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Lauren. I know you already celebrated Canada Day. Now it's our turn! We have a parade in the AM. Then a cookout at my nephew's house. Then back to our house, where friends of ours and Sean's will gather to watch fireworks, play games, and have a campfire.

  5. Thanks for sharing your Revolutionary War heroes booklet and puzzles! It is fabulous! We are just having a lazy day at home for the 4th of July.

  6. Thank you! I always enjoy a lazy day at home!

  7. Thank you! I'm looking forward to using some of the ideas that I found that were appropriate for my students. We have a long history of our family members serving in the military. Happy Fourth of July!

  8. Thank you! I'm in awe of families with a long history of service. It really affects everyone in the family, not just the service member.

  9. My family usually has a big cookout and fireworks display. This year we are foregoing that to pack for vacation in the morning! We will celebrate there.

  10. This is the easiest entry I have ever done! Plus really cute giveaways! THANK YOU!!!

  11. I really should read the directions before I post!! lol Typical teacher! I would love to stock up with any of the gift cards! What fun to do back to school shopping! Thanks again!

  12. Loved the freebie and it did tie in nicely with Comprehension Connection's unit! Thank you for all your family members who dedicated their time for our country!
    Burke's Special Kids

  13. WOW! What an amazing freebie! I shared your post with some upper elem teachers that I am sure can benefit from it in its entirety! As for me, I will use the puzzles to give my kinders exposure to historic figures! Thank your 3 vets for their service- and a hug to you as a marine mom!

    1. Excellent! Thank you, Jennifer. I plan to use it in a much more scaled back way with my firsties as well.

  14. This is a great freebie! What an informative book for the kids. Thank your family for all of their dedication! You must have raised a wonderful son!

    Hanging Out in First!

    1. Thank you, Jessica. Enjoy, and thank you. We think he's pretty wonderful ;)

  15. Such a cute and creative idea! Thanks! Loved hearing about your family military connections too! Hope you had a great 4th!


    1. Thank, Kay. We did have a wonderful Fourth this year. I hope yours was fantastic as well.

  16. Thank you for this great activity. I plan to use it during our American Symbols and Holidays unit with my kinder-bears. This is the first 4th of July sharing I've felt my little ones can really make a connection. Thank you!

  17. I plan to use your Famous Americans puzzles when I teach my 2nd grade unit on biographies! My students will love them! Thanks for sharing and thanks for your great post about your family members who have served proudly! I salute them!

  18. What a fun way to learn about out country's history! Thank you!

  19. Thank you for this great activity! I can't wait to use it :)


Let me know what you think about this post!