Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Mundane Life - It's a Blessing

Happy Saturday, everyone!  I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and put up a post for you all!  It's been a wonderful Saturday morning.  I   took my daughter to her colorguard practice.  She's learning to use the silks, now, as well as twirl.  While she was busy at colorguard practice, I met up with a good friend I don't get to see nearly enough ( which is sad because she lives 3 houses up from me) for coffee and girl talk.  Now, I'm watching the Penguins/Ranger hockey game and typing.  (Go Penguins!)  Do I ever get to stop multitasking?  Later this evening, we're taking my parents to my daughter's cheerleading banquet.  Just the mundane details of my life.  I'm sure many of you are doing the same types of things today.  Just another day in paradise, right?

Speaking of paradise, don't forget that Saturday means Primary Paradise's Top Five Freebies of the Week.  Click on the button below to check out her site and see what she's picked for you this week.

Click to see Top Five Freebies

Speaking of freebies, don't forget today is the last day to hop around the blogs for the St. Patrick's Day freebies and the chance to win $100.00 TPT gift certificate.

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Start your leprechaun's gold blog hop here.

I recently had this one-page sample from my newest resource, Numbers and Operations in Base 10 Common Core Braintwisters Springy Thingies, up as my fan only freebie on my Facebook page.  I have since put up a new freebie there (be sure to check it out if you haven't), but if you didn't get Springy Thingies, you can download it by clicking below.

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Click to download your sample of Springy Thingies.

If you haven't discovered Crayonbox Learning yet, you have to check out her blog and this super-cute activity.  I can't wait to make this for my own class to use!
Click here to get to know Danielle and see her fabulous work!

As you go through your mundane life, running your kids around here, there, and everywhere, washing, cooking, cleaning, and whatever else you're doing today, take the time to count the blessing of having healthy children and consider checking out Life in Special Education's post about Cole, a teaching friend's child recently diagnosed with brain cancer.  It brings tears to my eyes to imagine what this family is going through, and if my donation of $25.oo for over $160.00 worth of teaching resources can make a small difference to this family, I'm more than happy  to cook at home one night this week instead of eating out.


Click here to visit Karla's blog and learn how to help Care for Cole.

Enjoy your Saturday, everyone!

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