Monday, March 11, 2013

To Pick a Pope and Caring for Cole

As you probably know, the papal conclave begins tomorrow to pick a new pope.  I have created this free resource to use with your class to explain how the cardinals go through the process of picking a pope.

 Click here to get your copy of Picking a Pope

Even if you aren't in a religious setting,  it is still a historical event that you can discuss with your class.

Also, a  bloggy friend has put together an incredible package of tried and true resources resources to help raise money for the son of one of her teacher friends.  Her son, Cole, was diagnosed with an aggressive and rare (in children) type of brain cancer.

The package has over $160.00 worth of resources, all yours for a minimum donation of $25.00.  Please head over to Life in Special Education and read Karla's post about Caring for Cole.

Click here to see how you can help Care for Cole.

Have a great Monday evening.


  1. What a darling little boy! I hope many folks respond to help him! My prayers are sent heavenward for him and his family.

    I LOVE your FREEBIE! Although it is a bit primary for my sixers, I've sent this blog post's link on to the primary teachers in my school. We teach in a Catholic School and this is PERFECT for them.

  2. Thank you, Angela. Prayers will be so appreciated by this family, I'm sure.

    I teach first in a Cathollic School, so that explains the primary nature of my resource, but I'm glad you forwarded the link to your primary teachers I hope they find it useful. Have a great evening.



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