Friday, November 29, 2013

Wishlist Link Up

Did you know that Teachers Pay Teachers has a cyber sale coming up on Monday and Tuesday, December 2 and 3?

Just like all of you, I've been filling my shopping with items that I think will be beneficial to my students.  Here are a few of the items that I will be purchasing on Monday.

I am going to Christopher Teague's store and buying all levels of his sight word songs.  We use the iReady computer program with our students, and there is a really  nice analytic component to the program.  I was looking over my students performance right before Thanksgiving break, and I noticed that all my kids, across the board, were significantly lower in sight word recognition.  That tells me I need to bump up the instruction in that area, so I started looking around Pinterest for free resources, but there isn't much out there yet.  So then I checked TPT, and found these songs that will play and flash the words on the SMARTBoard for the kids to read and sing at the same time.  These will be perfect for transition times, down times, early finishing times, and they will be a great supplement to the activities I will be doing to build the high frequency word recognition skills.
I'm also looking for rhyming word clip art, so I've added these items to my cart to help  me make my morning work pages.  

And these

I love the variety and the fact that black and white images are included.  By the way, did you know that Whimsy Workshop is running a 12 Days of Christmas freebie giveaway of clip art?   You can check her blog post {here}.

I've been slowly working my way into the interactive notebook market, and I spotted that Graphics from the Pond has these little gems out.  

Honestly, I was so excited I didn't even wait for the Cyber Sale.  I bought them already!

So far that's all I have on my wishlist for the Cyber Sale.  I'm sure I'll find more as I look through the stores over the next few days.

As usual, you can visit my store, where you will find everything marked down 20 percent.  If you use the code CYBER at checkout, you will receive an extra 10% off, making your total savings 28%!  
If you're interested in seeing what's new in my store, you can look {here} or through scroll through the items in the sidebar.  

If you would like to see what other bloggers are wishlisting, you can visit Wish List Wednesday by clicking on the button below!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Lesley, what cute clip art. It will be fun to see the creations you make with them. Thank you for linking up this week!


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