Today I'm going to share with you how I use my morning work resource.
click here to view the complete bundle.
After doing the work independently, we check the work together. I project it onto the SMARTBoard, and write in the correct answers. The children check their own work, fixing errors as necessary. I believe this is an important part of the process because if I correct their error, it will mean nothing to them. But if they correct their own errors, it is more likely to be meaningful to them, and they will remember not to repeat their mistake the next time. In theory...but that's a post for a different day.
As we correct the work, I choose one thing to spend a few extra minutes on. I try to choose a different area each day of the week. So Monday, I might choose to focus on capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, Tuesday the focus might be phonics, Wednesday the focus might be numbers from 1-120, Thursday the focus might be adding basic facts, and Friday, the focus is always on responding to a writing prompt. On this day, I will write my own response to whatever the prompt of the day was, and we will discuss main idea, responding to the prompt, and as the year progresses, adding detail sentences and a conclusion. Following this procedure last year, I saw a great increase in the effectiveness of my students' writing ability.
Each mini-lesson gives me the opportunity to focus on a skill, and the skills gradually spiral up to the next level. It is a great way to work more curriculum-based practice into our daily routine. I spent some time looking at other morning work series out there, but none of them were quite what I wanted, so I designed my own. Hopefully it will fit your needs, too.
You can try the first week for free. Just click on the picture below and download it.
Thanks for checking in!